(800) 505-6000

Mesothelioma and Asbestos - Why it is Important to File a Mesothelioma Claim

Mesothelioma is a fatal cancer that’s directly linked with asbestos exposure. Asbestos was widely used in industries like construction, manufacturing, military, and several others. Filing a claim—although seeming like an intimidating process—will help you secure justice beyond financial means. It helps hold negligent companies and employers accountable for knowingly exposing people to asbestos. Mesothelioma and asbestos are often spoken about together.

Why is it important to file a mesothelioma claim?

Mesothelioma and Asbestos

The biggest risk factor for developing mesothelioma is asbestos exposure. Asbestos refers to a group of naturally-occurring minerals that were used in construction and industrial pursuits for a majority of the twentieth century. Asbestos was cheap, widely accessible, and had superb fireproofing and durability-enhancing properties. Oftentimes, it was added to another product to give it the aforementioned qualities.

Data detailing the dangers of asbestos was being published as early as the 1940s, but serious attempts to regulate asbestos use weren’t widespread until the 1980s (in the U.S.). When asbestos becomes airborne—and this happens when an asbestos-containing item is moved or mechanically disrupted—individual fibers can a.) contaminate air, water, and soil supplies; and b.) easily become ingested by humans. Once ingested, these fibers can become lodged in the linings of organs, called serous cavities. The body can’t expel, breakdown, or remove these fibers, so chronic irritation via an extended immune response ensues. This chronic irritation, scientists believe, is a major contributor to mesothelioma onset.

Because asbestos was used so frequently in so many sectors, employers and companies that allowed exposures need to be held accountable. They knew that asbestos was causally related to mesothelioma and other chronic diseases, but they didn’t take measures to protect their employees. Companies sold products they knew contained asbestos—either as an intentional addition or byproduct of production—and didn’t warn consumers about the dangers of exposure. There is a direct connection between mesothelioma and asbestos exposure.

The 2024 ban on chrysotile asbestos means that asbestos use is being incrementally phased out. While asbestos use has largely been curbed—especially in public sectors—its legacy will persist, largely due to negligent employers.

Legal Justice is More than Financial

Filing a mesothelioma claim can be daunting. You’ll need to provide documentation qualifying your disease as being related to asbestos exposure; you’ll need to provide documentation about the negligent company; you’ll need to contact an experienced attorney. Despite the logistics-heavy process, it’s important to file a claim for several reasons:

  1. You’ll help hold companies accountable for the damage they inflicted. By effect, this will prevent further damage and will spur on companies to be more protective of their consumers and employees.
  2. Any medical debts or outstanding expenses associated with an asbestos disease will be alleviated by a claim. This could include lost wages, travel costs, treatment costs, and caregiving.
  3. You’ll be raising awareness about the dangers of asbestos, and you’ll inspire companies to more quickly adopt the 2024 ban policies.
  4. Most of the time, you won’t have to participate in a formal litigation. Instead, you’ll have access to funds that have been set aside by companies for victims of asbestos exposure. If people that deserve the funds don’t access the funds, the monies will remain locked in a trust.
  5. A mesothelioma claim will help you achieve justice in every sense of the word.

Our website is filled with information on filing asbestos-related claims. Call us today at (800) 505-6000 or fill out our simple contact form for more information. You can also download our free eBook filled with information on asbestos trust funds right through our website. We help asbestos-related disease victims and their families in Pennsylvania.


